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Tatsächlich eher selten, aber wenn, dann gravierend, können einige Krankheitsbilder die Potenz treffen. «Sex ist so normal, so natürlich»: Doris Wagner. Zucker ist in den Mengen, welche wir hier normalerweise konsumieren, regelrecht giftig.
Frauen mögen alle möglichen Accessoirs verwenden um sich zu attraktivieren, wie zum Beispiel Schmuck, Schminke oder Kleidung. Leyla Hussein — Ich glaube, Frauen, die guten Sex haben, sind bessere Menschen. Manche Körperfettmessgeräte legen die Spannung über Kontakte in der Wägeplattform nur an den Füßen an; andere Geräte besitzen ein Handteil oder Haltegriffe, über welche die Messung erfolgt.
FE Ganzkörpertraining [Trainingsplan] » Fitness - Wir sind am dritten Abend zusammen ins Bett gegangen. Bei der bioelektrischen Impedanzmessung erfolgt die Bestimmung des Körperfettanteils durch die Messung des elektrischen Widerstands, den der Körper bietet.
In der Fritteuse brutzelt das Öl. Am Schinken schimmert der weiße Speckrand. Etwas Butter macht Brot noch schmackhafter — und den Bauch macht es füllig und wabbelig. Fett taucht im Alltag an vielen Stellen und in vielen Zuständen auf. Auch im menschlichen Körper erfüllt es verschiedene Funktionen. Und an manchen Stellen im Körper wirkt Fettgewebe stützend und schützend als Druckpolster, beispielsweise an der Fußsohle. Unter der Haut und an jenen Stellen, an denen sie stützen und schützen, speichern sie Energie. Doch jene Zellen im Bauchraum, die das sogenannte viszerale Fett bilden, haben Forscher vor einigen Jahren als Übeltäter ausgemacht. Viele davon können im Körper Schaden anrichten, vor allem in den Gefäßen. Sie erhöhen die Gefahr einer Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankung wie oder. Die umfangreichsten Fettansammlungen finden sich am Bauch und am Gesäß. Doch auch wenn der Bauch an Umfang zulegt, die Zahl der Fettzellen verändert sich dabei kaum: Der Körper bildet nur wenig neue Fettzellen, sondern quetscht — wenn nötig — in die vorhandenen mehr und mehr hinein. Wie viel Körperfett ist normal. Zwangsläufig stellt sich die Frage, wie viel Fettgewebe guter körper mann normal gilt — vor allem angesichts der Gesundheitsgefahr, die vom viszeralen Fett ausgeht. Studien, die dieser Frage nachgehen, sind Mangelware. Im Jahr 2000 erarbeitete Dr. Dympna Gallagher von der Columbia Universität in New York. Die Ernährungsmedizinerin maß den Körperfettanteil von mehr als 1. Ihre Ergebnisse, die Alter und Geschlecht berücksichtigen, gelten unter Experten noch heute als gut und brauchbar. Berücksichtigt man das Alter, lassen sich präzisere Aussagen treffen: Bei 20-jährigen Frauen beträgt der Anteil im Schnitt um die 25 Prozent, bei 45-jährigen etwa 30 Prozent. Bei Männern steigt er von 18 Prozent im Alter von 20 Jahren auf 22 bis 24 Prozent bei 45-Jährigen. Oder in absoluten Zahlen: Eine normalgewichtige Frau trägt bis zu 20 Kilogramm Fettgewebe mit sich herum, ein normalgewichtiger Mann rund 15 Kilogramm. Für Kinder liegen bis heute keine verlässlichen Zahlen zum normalen Guter körper mann vor. Experten gehen davon aus, dass der Anteil über 15 Prozent liegen sollte. Bei Mädchen und jungen Frauen ist eine Mindestfettmenge besonders wichtig, da es sonst infolge einer Unterernährung zu komplexen Hormonveränderungen kommen kann. Das kann die geschlechtliche Entwicklung stören. Sportler haben weniger Körperfett Grundsätzlich gilt: Der Körperfettanteil hängt nicht nur von Geschlecht und Alter, sondern auch von Ernährungs- und Trainingszustand ab. Klar: Wer regelmäßig und intensiv treibt, baut Muskeln auf und verbraucht Energie. Folglich ist der Körperfettanteil daher beim Sportler geringer als beim Nicht-Sportler. Im Leistungssport kann er — je nach Sportart — bei Männern sogar unter 10 Prozent liegen, bei Leistungssportlerinnen auch mal niedriger als 15 Prozent sein. Als guter körper mann Grenze gelten bei Männern fünf Prozent, bei Frauen 13 Prozent. Der Anstieg des Körperfettanteils im Alter bedeutet nicht zwangsläufig, dass alle älteren Menschen Fettpolster zulegen. In erster Linie entsteht er durch einen Verlust an Muskelmasse. Dadurch nimmt der Fettanteil im Verhältnis zum Körpergewicht zu. Da mit den Muskeln aber auch wichtige Energieverbraucher schwinden, sinkt der älterer Menschen. Das Problem: Die meisten essen und leben wie zuvor, verbrauchen aber weniger Kalorien. Die Folge: Ihre Fettdepots wachsen nicht nur im Verhältnis, sondern auch tatsächlich. Im Alter: Fettaufbau durch Muskelaufbau entgegenwirken Bei vielen Menschen sorgt ein inaktiver Lebensstil schon ab dem 30. Lebensjahr für einen Muskelabbau und damit für einen prozentualen Anstieg des Körperfettanteils. Im Verlauf des Lebens beschleunigt sich der Verlust an Muskulatur durch jene Hormonveränderungen, die das Altern mit sich bringt. Doch dieser Entwicklung kann man etwas entgegensetzen. Die Kraft lässt sich auch ohne Muskelzuwachs steigern: Kraft- und Koordinationstraining führen dazu, dass die Muskeln wirkungsvoller arbeiten, außerdem verbessert sich deren Zusammenspiel.
Meine Ernährung für einen guten Körper OHNE Kalorienzählen (Vlog #73)
Je länger nun ein Mann unter dem Einfluß seines Testosterons steht, je älter er also wird, desto ausgeprägter ist die geschlechtstypische Ausgestaltung seiner Behaarung. Hol dir im Forum qualitative Antworten. Wie bei allem macht die Dosis das Gift. Sei dich selbst und der Respekt eines guten Mannes ist dir so gut wie garantiert. Eine hat gezeigt, dass Frauen mehr darüber nachdenken, ob es in Ordnung ist, über ihre sexuellen Wünsche zu sprechen. Wenn Sie kein Mensch der absoluten Konsequenz sind, dann erlauben Sie sich ungesunde Ausnahmen, aber versuchen Sie diese so selten wie möglich zu machen. Die fünf Klingen laufen sehr leicht über die Haut und sorgen für ein sehr gründliches Rasurergebnis - selbst im Hals- und Kinnbereich. Spermien entwickeln sich in den Samenkanälchen der Hoden. In jedem Milliliter Ejakulat befinden sich bei einem fruchtbaren Mann durchschnittlich zwischen 20 und 60 Millionen Samenzellen. Im Gegensatz zum allgemeinen Gerede hat eine Studie gezeigt, dass ein Orgasmus nicht für jeden Menschen das höchste Gefühl sexueller Befriedigung sein muss. Mich in einen wundervollen Mann zu verlieben, der mich auch liebt. Rasierpickel und Entzündungen hielten sich in Grenzen.
Je zuwendungsbedürftiger die Nachkommen, desto wichtiger die Vaterrolle. In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. In: American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Kulturgeschichte Friedrich Engels vertrat in Family, Private Property and the State die Ansicht, dass omnigame Frühmenschen ohne exklusive soziale oder sexuelle Bindung lebten und Kinder daher keinem Vater zugeordnet werden konnten.
Die Väter können in dieser Zeit, in der das Weibchen auch nicht erneut schwanger werden kann, andere Partnerinnen suchen. Monogam zu leben, ist also durchaus sinnvoll, auch wenn es rein evolutionär nicht hinlänglich erklärbar ist.
Was ist Monogamie? - Barash: In: The American Naturalist.
Andere Frage: Können wir nicht oder wollen wir nicht treu sein. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass die Hälfte aller Männer und Frauen in einer festen Beziehung schon einmal fremdgegagen sind, beweist ja zumindest schon einmal, wie verbreitet Untreue heutzutage ist. Liegt sie uns also in unseren Genen, können wir nicht anders, aufgrund unserer biologischen Programmierung, als nach Abflauen der heißen Verliebtheitsgefühle Ausschau nach »Frischfleich« zu halten. Ist es womöglich sogar völlig verfehlt, auf sexuelle Treue zu pochen, weil es wider unsere eigentliche Natur ist. Oder sind das eher faule Ausreden für mangelnde Triebkontrolle und der Tatsache, dass lange Beziehungen zwangsläufig eben langweilig werden und wir dieser Tage danach streben, monogamie bei menschen unterhalten zu werden, auch in der Liebe. Wenn wir Untreue als genetisch bedingt betrachten, dann seien wir ziemlich schnell bei der Steinzeittheorie — und die sei genauso altbacken, wie es ihr Name vermuten lässt. Dabei wird Fremdgehen, so schreibt Andrea Bräu in »« in der Regel so begründet: In Urzeiten erlegten Männer, also Jäger und Sammler, ihre Beute mit Händen, später mit Waffen. Ähnlich verfuhren sie mit Frauen, die sie sich in ihre Höhle holten, wann immer es sie danach gelüstete. Und zwar auch so viele wie möglich, denn auch in Bezug auf Frauen waren Männer Sammler, wenn auch in genetischer Mission. Schließlich, so Bräu, mussten sie ihre Gene so breit streuen wie möglich, um sich zahlenmäßig eine riesige Nachkommenschaft und damit beste Überlebenschancen für das eigene Erbgut zu sichern. Diesen Zeiten seien wir aber längst entwachsen, wir leben nicht mehr in Höhlen oder großen Sippen zusammen, biologisch betrachtet ist es gar nicht von Vorteil, mit vielen verschiedenen Partnern Nachwuchs zu zeugen — man denke nur an die ökonomischen Folgeschwierigkeiten. Alles auf die Natur zu schieben, ist wohl eine einfache Ausrede, die bei näherer Betrachtung überhaupt nicht mehr zieht. Bräu bezweifelt zudem, ob uns Theorien über genetisch vorprogrammierte Untreue überhaupt weiterhelfen. Was bringt es denn einer betrogenen Ehefrau, wenn man ihr sagt »Dein Mann konnte nicht anders, evolutionsbiologisch bedingt musste er einfach fremdgehen«. Klar spielt das biologische Moment eine nicht zu unterschätzende Rolle beim Fremdgehen, meint dagegen Gerti Senger. Dieses bestimme noch immer zumindest latent unsere Fortpflanzungspraktiken, worunter im weiteren Sinne natürlich auch das Fremdgehen fällt. Nach heutigem wissenschaftlichem Stand, so Senger, drehe sich doch alles um die Arterhaltung. Sex mache Evolutionsforschern zufolge Spaß, damit wir ihn öfter praktizieren, Liebesgefühle sollen als Überlebensfaktor Mann und Frau zusammenhalten, damit sie den Nachwuchs großziehen, schreibt Senger in. Auch wenn wir natürlich dem Steinzeitalter längst entwachsen sind, wirken bei uns doch noch genetische Faktoren nach — ob wir wollen oder nicht. Ein Indiz sieht Senger etwa in dem Zusammenhang zwischen Alter und Bereitschaft zu einer außerehelichen Affäre: Bei Männern steige Untersuchungen zufolge die Bereitschaft, fremdzugehen ab dem 40. Bei Frauen dagegen sei ein Seitensprung vor dem 40. Lebensjahr am wahrscheinlichsten, danach nehme deren Bereitschaft zum Fremdgehen ab. Eine biologische Erklärung hierfür ist, dass Frauen vor der Menopause, also grob gerechnet vor der magischen 40er-Grenze, fruchtbarer sind und die Möglichkeit, mit einem anderen, womöglich genetisch besser ausgestatteten Mann, noch einmal Nachkommen zu zeugen, eher besteht, als später. Das goldende Zeitalter der Untreue beginne beim Mann erst dann, wenn das der Monogamie bei menschen sich langsam seinem Ende zuneige — auch hier sei die genetsiche Prägung unübersehbar: Was den Fortpflanzungserfolg seiner Gene anbetreffe, mache es für den Mann gerade dann viel mehr Sinn, sich eine jüngere Frau zu suchen. Laut Senger gibt es zwar vielleicht keinen genetischen Zwang zum Fremdgehen, sehr wohl aber eine evolutionsbiologische Prägung. Ja, wo leben wir denn, in dunklen Höhlen mit behaarten Steinzeitmenschen. Nein, liebe Leute, Catherine Herriger hält nicht viel von derartigen Verallgemeinerungen. Ein ungemein beliebter Nebenschauplatz beim Thema Fremdgehen sei die These, dass sexuelle Treue beim Menschen nicht nur langweilig, sondern sogar biogenetisch belegbar eine totale Illusion sei, schreibt Herriger in. Der Grundtenor ist immer derselbe: Männer, so lautet die biogenetische These, müssten zwecks Sicherung ihrer Nachkommenschaft ihre kostbaren Spermien möglichst breit streuen, Frauen dagegen für sich und ihren zukünftigen Nachwuchs die Obhut eines zuverlässigen Ernährers und Beschützers finden, um den dann möglichst lange an sich zu binden. Das sind aber armselige Schutzbehauptungen für ein Phänomen, dass sich nicht so einfach mit genetischer Vorprogrammierung rechtfertigen lässt. Damit wären Fremdgeher gleich welchen Geschlechts ja fein aus dem Schneider — allerdings würden sie sich damit laut Herriger auf eine Stufe mit instinktgesteuerten Tieren stellen. Und wir seien doch selbstbestimmte Homo sapiens und Triebkontrolle ein wesentlicher Bestandteil unserer Evolution — denn auch wir haben uns weiterentwickelt. Triebbedingtes Bespringen, schreibt Herriger, sei längst passé und der Jahrmillionen-Irrtum schlechthin. Der Fortpflanzungstrieb steht der Monogamie im Wege — wenn solche Behautungen angestellt werden, wird oft auch der Vergleich zu unseren nahen und fernen Verwandten im Tierreich gezogen. Dort, so die These, sei Treue ziemlich kontraproduktiv, denn letzlich geht es bei den Tieren um Arterhaltung und Vermehrung um jeden Preis. Durch die Brille der Monogamie betrachtet, herrsche dort eine gewaltige Unordnung, erklären Lisa Fischbach und Holger Lendt in. Es gebe zwar Tierarten, wie etwa Vögel, bei denen es zumindest was die Aufzucht der Nachkommenschaft anbetrifft, so etwas wie Treue gibt. Allerdings dominiert im Tierreich die Untreue. Wir mögen Treue und Monogamie für gottgegeben und natürlich halten, bei näherer Betrachtung erweise sich das jedoch als Trugschluss, schreiben die Autoren. Naturgegebene Treue gebe es nicht, unsere nächsten Verwandten aus dem Tierreich seien sehr sexuelle Wesen, auch bei Arten, bei denen es zu festen Bindungen komme, sei sexuelle Untreue an der Tagesordnung. Was aber kein Freifahrtschein für Fremdgehen sei, denn bei uns komme zu der biologischen Vorbelastung als fortpflanzungsfreudiges Wesen noch ein wesentlicher Faktor hinzu: die Kultur. Und die trägt einen großen Teil dazu bei, dass wir Treue als etwas Gegebenes ansehen. Die genetische Prägung lässt sich Fischbach und Lendt zufolge also monogamie bei menschen als biologische Hardware bezeichnen, beim modernen Menschen allerdings ist das Betriebssystem bereits installiert und das gibt uns als Datensatz Treue vor. Die biologische Funktion der Lust liege in der Fortpflanzung, schreibt Professor Franz Josef Wetz in. Sie habe sich in der Evolution herausgebildet, damit sich Individuen überhaupt mit einem passenden Partner der eigenen Art vereinen. Das romantische Verliebtsein entwickelte sich dagegen, um die Paarungsenergie zwischen den Personen zu erhalten. Im Tierreich ginge es dabei auch immer um sexuellen Wettkampf: Wer hat den Längsten und Größten, wer setzt sich gegenüber potenziellen Mitbewerbern durch, wessen Samen macht das Rennen. Dieser Mechanismus, so Wetz, wirke beim Menschen fort, allerdings seien wir durch kulturelle Überformung und eine gewisse Normierung des partnerschaftlichen Zusammenlebens auf andere Werte, nämlich die Monogamie, geeicht. Trotzdem würden die elementaren Kräfte unserer Natur immer wieder die Pforten der Kultur, die sich gegen die Gewaltsamkeit des Extremen verschlossen haben, sprengen. Etwa, weil Liebe ein Verfallsdatum hat — hat sie ihren Zweck als Paarkleister erfüllt, lassen erotische Leidenschaft und Lust zwangsläufig nach und dann kann durchaus unsere Natur, und damit unsere evolutionsbiologische Prägung, wieder durchbrechen. Eigentlich ist es doch völlig monogamie bei menschen, ob Treue zu unserem biologischen Grundprogramm gehört oder nicht. monogamie bei menschen Wichtig ist vielmehr, ob wir Treue als Wert in monogamie bei menschen eigenen Leben anerkennen. Das kann man aus den Überlegungen von Wolfgang Krüger zum schließen. Der Frage nach der evolutionsbiologischen Programmierung widmet er sich nicht, ihn interessiert vielmehr, aus welchen biografischen Gründen Menschen fremdgehen. Treue beruhe auf einer inneren Einstellung, sei ein Bekenntnis zu einem einzigen Partner und erfordere viel Kraft — der Wille ist wichtiger als der Trieb, der in uns allen steckt. Aber gerade das unterscheidet uns ja von den Tieren: Wir können unser Verhalten reflektiert betrachten und es interpretieren. Wer sich bewusst für Treue entscheidet und Versuchungen — die uns alle irgendwann und irgendwie einmal ereilen — widersteht, zeige eine Stärke, die ihn zum emotionalen Glück befähigt. Wer der Treue keinen hohen Wert beimisst, beruft sich mitunter gerne auf biologische Erklärungen, die ihn von der Verantwortung entbinden. Dabei ist laut Krüger Treue ein Wert, dem wir subjektiv große Bedeutung beimessen sollten, weil sie uns emotional überaus bereichern kann. Auch Untreue ist ihm zufolge also eine Frage des Willens — und kein hinterhältiges Spiel der Natur. Männer sind von Natur aus untreu — Ulrich Clement hält das für Unfug. Es sei, so formuliert er es ineine beliebte Erklärung untreuer Männer, die sich wohler fühlen, wenn sie bei aller moralischer Verwerflichkeit wengistens die Natur auf ihrer Seite haben. Nicht sie selbst haben sich dann bewusst fürs Fremdgehen entschieden, sondern eine dunkle genetische Disposition hat sie in den fremden Schoß getrieben — diese Rechtfertigung mag im Einzelfall ziemlich entlastend sein. Dabei seien die biologischen Theorien gar nicht so eindeutig, schreibt Clement. Frauen seien nämlich auch von Natur aus untreu, wenn sie bessere Alternativen in Aussicht haben etwa. Außerdem gebe es bei Männern wie bei Frauen solche und solche — manche werden untreu, andere frönen ihr Leben lang der Monogamie. Aus welchen Gründen auch immer. Eine evolutionsbiologische Programmierung dahinter zu vermuten, vereinfacht das komplexe Phänomen Untreue zu sehr, meint Ulrich Clement. Der Mensch ist von Natur aus untreu — diese Annahme wird seit Urzeiten von Evolutionsbiologen verbreitet. Vor allem Männer, so die Kernthese vieler Untersuchungen, seien auf die Verbreitung ihrer Gene programmiert, um möglichst viele gesunde und überlebensfähige Nachkommen zu zeugen. Treue bei Menschen sei solange möglich, bis der Nachwuchs aus dem Gröbsten raus sei. Forschungen befassen sich seit Langem mit der Frage danach, ob es bestimmte Vorprägungen für Untreue gibt. So machten etwa schwedische Biologen ein Gen aus, das die Beziehungsfähigkeit monogamie bei menschen Männern beeinflussen soll. Ihre Untersuchungen ergaben, dass Männer, bei denen dieses Gen so verändert war, dass es einen niedrigeren Vassopressin-Spiegel verursachte, eher unverheiratet waren. Bei den Verheirateten unter ihnen häuften sich die Partnerschaftsprobleme. Davon allerdings so etwas wie ein »Untreue-Gen« abzuleiten, halten selbst die Forscher für verfehlt. Denn viele andere Faktoren spielen eine große Rolle bei der Untreue, die Berufung auf ein bestimmtes Gen ist da wohl eher den Wert einer Schutzbehauptung. Im Tierreich fanden Wissenschaftler heraus, dass die Libido eines Männchens umso mehr nachlässt, je länger er mit diesem zusammen ist. Ein neues Weibchen dagegen lässt die Libido wieder frisch erblühen — bekannt ist dieser wachsende Widerwille von männlichen Individuen einer Spezies, ohne Abwechslung immer wieder mit demselben Weibchen zu verkehren, als Coolidge-Effekt: Bei Ratten wurde nachgewiesen, dass ihr sexueller Appetitt immer weiter abnimmt, je öfter sie mit demselben Rattenweibchen kopulieren. Aber nun mal wieder zu uns Menschen: Rein theoretisch, das belegen Untersuchungen, sind wir evolutionsbiologisch nicht auf Treue ausgerichtet. Monogamie ist ein gesellschaftliches Konstrukt, eine Hilfskonstruktion für das zwischenmenschliche Zusammenleben. Was aber nicht heißt, dass wir nicht treu sein können und Opfer unseres biologisch gegebenen Triebes sind — wenn wir es wollen, dann kann es gelingen.
Polyamorie trifft Monogamie
Die Einehe als kulturelles Phänomen Evolutionsforscher sind sich heute weitgehend einig, dass der Mensch ursprünglich nicht sexuell monogam gelebt hat. Bis ihr sexuelles Interesse schwand. Insbesondere die monotheistischen Religionen haben den Menschen die heterosexuelle Monogamie aufgezwungen. Männliche Strategien Beim Mann verändert sich das Ejakulat u. Aber gibt es überhaupt wirkliche Alternativen? Sie teilten ihre Beute mit den anderen aus der Gruppe. Die Verteilung des Samens an viele Frauen könne Männern evolutionäre Vorteile verschaffen, sagt Lars Penke. Moehlman: Jackal helpers and pup survival. Und dabei erstreckt sich der sexuelle Exklusivanspruch auch über wesentlich mehr als den Sex. Deshalb ist zu vermuten: Monogamie tat unserer Spezies gut. Bitte hilf Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und gute Belege einfügst.
It fits comfortably into the adult vagina and into the anus too. So here are three reasons to start seeing why less is more when it comes to penis size Guys with 6 inches or less can literally partner with anyone and have successful penetrative sex. We were at his apartment, drinking wine and hanging out, and we started to play the game two truths and one lie. After all, the most pleasurable, orgasm-inducing part of the vagina are the first 2-3 inches into the canal.
It was fun sex, and I didn't even care that his penis was the size it was because and tongue. Behandelnde Fachärzte sind Endokrinologen Hormonspezialisten , Andrologen, Urologen und plastische Chirurgen. No matter how good you are giving a blow-job, a guy with a giant penis may never get to see you at your best.
If only all sexual minorities were admired this much. But the biological realities of a larger-than-average penis tell sex scientists quite a different tale. Only 15% of all men have organs larger than 7 inches and just a tiny 2% are bigger than 8 inches, as documented in a study published in thewhich also showed that an average penis is just over 5 inches when hard. Science turns a cold shoulder to what people think they should have. Science knows, for example, that if someone was hung like a horse, he'd risk killing his human partners. Science knows the human penis evolved exactly right to be fully kleiner penis forum, capable of having numerous orgasms every day, able to shoot over a billion sperm a month. The reason an average penis is about 5 inches long during full erection is because that is the perfect range for efficient performance with the largest number of partners. If bigger penises were an advantage anywhere outside the human imagination, we'd be super-schlonged as a species. But there is no biological reason or evolutionary advantage for penises to be bigger. I don't want to mess up your divine fantasies. But when it comes actual sexual functionality, smaller is better. So here are three reasons to start seeing why less is more when it kleiner penis forum to penis size Guys with 6 inches or less can literally partner with anyone and have successful penetrative sex. Their penis was designed to be easily insertable into the largest number of adults. It fits comfortably into the adult vagina and into the anus too. Best of all, when it's smaller, a man can maneuver it better and deliver targeted stimulation. While vaginal tissue expands during intercourse, to allow for full penetration, over 7 inches can be longer than the vaginal canal itself, and bump the uber-sensitive cervix during sex, a howlingly painful experience for women. Women with anxieties or sex-negativity may come to fear being penetrated altogether kleiner penis forum stop their sex lives. After all, the most pleasurable, orgasm-inducing part of the vagina are the first 2-3 inches into the canal. The clit and the surrounding tissues leading to and then inside the vaginal canal have the highest concentration of nerve endings and pleasure-receptors. That is why oral sex and digital stimulation can make a woman cum more successfully than a penis can. You don't need to penetrate deeper to give a woman satisfying orgasms if you know how to use your penis -- or hands or mouth or toy. I've had three clients over the years whose sex lives with their wives ground to a halt because the women complained of pain or discomfort. It may look sexy to see tiny people nibble on big rods on the Internet but how do you think it feels to the nibbled upon. I've known several men who felt eternally deprived of ever getting a truly satisfying blowjob because their girlfriends and wives couldn't go down on too far before gagging. No matter how good you are giving a blow-job, a guy with a giant penis may never get to see you at your best. You likely won't be able to deep-throat him unless you have the talents of a sword-swallower and worked on relaxing your throat muscles. Even then, your teeth may scrape the skin of his penis and leave abrasions. Your jaw may start hurting a few minutes in. So again, a smaller penis wins the category for best biological design for oral sex too. Not everyone wants to be a porn star and make a living off the genetic anomaly that gave them a large kleiner penis forum. It may sound hot in fantasy but in reality, men whose genitals aren't giving them the joy they should have and are being objectified by culture at large feel demeaned. It triggers shame and confusion over whether people love them as human beings or mainly want to use them as sex toys. More than a few of them were either the object of teasing or jokes in their youth, and some of them were molested by adults, often older girls or women, who exploited their naivete to get to their meat. All of these things create stress, shame and emotional conflicts. Jumbo-size organs can lead to jumbo-size problems. Sometimes, their penises mess up their minds in ways that normal people can barely understand. It's different for men who are unusually large. Some of them worry that people don't really want them for their qualities as people but because they are intrigued by their penis. To deter unwanted attention, or feel properly concealed for work, they spend hours at stores trying on pants that disguise their size or opt for special tailoring to avoid unwanted attention. If you have a normal build, be grateful. Learn to make the most of it by natural means -- exercise, good health habits, cutting down on booze, promoting blood flow, and watching your weight. It's estimated that for every extra 30 pounds a man carries buries his penis shaft by about an inch. Focus on taking good care of the body you have and get the maximum performance out of your normal build.
SEXTIPPS! Großer Orgasmus mit kleinen Penis!
Und wenn Du dann auch die Vorbereitung auf das Treffen wie bei einem Rendezvous zelebrierst, kann es nur noch schön werden. Sie sagte mir mal, dass sie gerne mit mir schlafen würde! It was dark in his room and the whole thing happened so fast. So again, a smaller penis wins the category for best biological design for oral sex too. Mikropenis und Sexleben Bei einem ausgeprägten Mikropenis sollten Sie ärztlichen Rat einholen. There was a lot of teasing! He made a joke out of the whole thing, and honestly, I feel like he's used this method before. More than a few of them were either the object of teasing or jokes in their youth, and some of them were molested by adults, often older girls or women, who exploited their naivete to get to their meat. Women with anxieties or sex-negativity may come to fear being penetrated altogether and stop their sex lives.
You fall in love with all of the characters, humor, and back stories. Connect directly with writers and other readers and discuss the latest plot twists by leaving comments alongside the latest stories. She is such a badass plus she's a princess. Where was Alex taking me?
Newly edited and expanded, the book was split into two and hit bookstore shelves in 2017. What are you doing up so early? Sighing, I also got dressed and headed over to breakfast, a smile on my face as I remembered the previous day. Prepare yourself for tears, laughter and everything in between One of my favourites!
Best Wattpad Stories - All of us started talking about our schools and just other random stuff, but the moment I placed my empty plate on the counter to be cleaned, Alex pulled me outside.
Well if you multiply that feeling by 1,000, make it last so much longer, AND mix it with hate, pain, satisfaction, anger, love, relief, anxiety, passion, joy, shock, guilt, frustration, and denial, then you'll get the feeling equivalent to reading F. Of course actually reading it is 100 times better and easier. Every single one of the characters has been through these very same emotions and the best part is you experience the same thing along with them. Anyone who has read F. H can agree that you will easily find yourself falling in love with these characters. The author has such a way with words that you can't help but feel compelled to never stop reading. Plus, the character development is great whether it's each character's past or their... Imagine that you are a fisherman, living a humble happy life. One day, you set out to sea on your boat like normal, but then a huge storm hits. You are washed out to sea. Your boat is wrecked, you lost a leg to a shark attack, your so hungry you start hallucinating, and there is no sign of land in sight. Just as you are about to lose hope, you hear the sound of a horn. A cruise boat is headed your way. Desperately, you gather the last remnants of your strength to cry out to it. But as you force your fatigued body to stand up on the piece of driftwood you've been hanging on to, you slip and fall. You go down, down, down into the depthless water of the ocean. Your lungs are burning, your consciousness flickering. But, right before you run out of breath and black out, you glimpse a hand reaching out for you. The next thing you know, you're waking up in a hospital with an IV attached to your arm. That's what reading F. This book is THE best book on wattpad. You know, there were moments when I was flabbergasted, sprawled on the ground no exaggeration and sweating because of the 180 degree twist which the plot took. I had to keep my phone beside me and sit for like half n hour completely still because the twists had completely blew me off. One can only dream of writing SUCH an engaging and compelling book. I am a second time reader and I am still thrilled by that story. It's a blend of so many genres and the character of Rihanna is so enigmatic that it intrigues everyone. This book has just so many sinews which make a person feel so, so many emotions. There have been moments when my heart was thumping in my chest and I was scared of what lied ahead. If you haven't yet read that book and are planning to read it then a solemn advise to you- make sure you don't have any deadlines due or any exams you have to prepare for because once you start reading this book YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP IT DOWN. This books brakes you and mends you at the same time. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him. So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a run in with Death himself and is offered the chance to go back in time to stop Archer from ending his life. She only has twenty-seven days to do it. And if Hadley doesn't succeed? Well, she doesn't want to think about that. It's one of those stories that you would go back and read over and over again! The characters were so well-written that I felt like they're right in front of me. Amazing storyline, invaluable hidden messages and beautiful writing style pretty make up the story that is 'In 27 Days'. I loved this book! The characters are so diverse and realistic. It's a story that has the perfect mix of fantasy and real life. I loved the way the two main characters interacted and the background of the rest. Definitely one of my favorite wattpad stories! After I watch something else it gets beaten... Humor, Romance, Action and so much more! This story is great. So many twist and never ending action scenes and laughter. Unique names, great plot and all! Love how the story make me laugh and how the character make me enjoy there personality and how can a two different person can be together and I enjoy it really hope to make more happy story and a story that I can fool in love more and I really love action story. This was not my first time to read a wattpad but this story make me fall inlove.. I really recommend this book guys 6 The Last Virgin Standing I recommended this book to a friend after I read it, let's just say I'm scared for life after reading it. I was hooked on it. It was so good and emotional I found the plot quite unique unlike many other stories on Wattpad. I couldn't stand most of the books but this one gets you hooked onto it till late night! It makes me feel real emotions. The story is so attached to me that I will never forget it till my last breath, everything is just BANG! The ending was not predictable for me and it was satisfying. And I'm one whose standards are high. How words can break your heart but mend it and your soul all over again The author does a wonderful job of Turing cliches into wonderful stories that you have a hard time forgetting. I was never in to fan fictions, trust me, but oh my gosh. It is so addicting and such a rollocoaster ride! I actually stayed home from school I'm a senior one day because the night before I read most of the whole first book and ended up staying up until 5:00am, and I was so tired. The only things in it realated to one direction is the names of the members are used for five of the books characters only one main character and the looks, although they're very much altered since all of the boys have tattoos and stuff. You won't regret it! At least check it out on wattpad, and read the first... My friend told me about this book, and although I've never been into love stories, I decided to give it a try and I am very glad that I did. The After series make me think of different views on so many different things and I actually felt a connection with this book and the characters. I felt the reality in it, which is a big factor in book to me, and I really bonded with the characters as if they were actual people. There were moments when I both hated and loved this hook, and I think that's how you know that it's really one of the best. I, of course, couldn't put it down and its actually been the only series I have reread, and ever read the first book a third time. Anyone who doesn't read, is missing out on the wonderful imagination of Anna Todd!... This book is just so amazing. It makes you laugh and cry and angry and hits you at the right places. As the story proceeds you actually relate to the characters and their lives. The best part about the series is that you're with the characters as they fall in love and fall apart and you can actually feel the pain and suffering and joy that they feel throughout. It's not just the author telling you that they fell in love so you have no option but to go with it. It's a beautiful journey through the ups and downs of the characters' lives. What's also amazing is that Anna did not just make the story about the two of them together but there are other characters too who play important roles in their lives which gives it a touch of reality. This book is definitely worth a read. Read just for fun.. The characters are loveable, unique people with pasts reflecting how they ended up who they are now. Although the author focuses on Cassandra and Will's love story, readers will find themselves immersed in all of the side characters as well. Cassandra and Will both have their own battles they are facing, and little by little we join them as their feelings change and they grow as people. I so love this book! Its got such a unique and interesting plot, that's both romantic and humorous! It was beautiful and inspiring story I love this story! There's only one word to describe it- BEAUTIFUL!. It's the perfect combination of dark and light humor. I was sleep deprived mind the pun reading it 10 It All Started With An Apple by TaintedRain This story was literally amazing! It was written well and the plot was just... All Taintedrain'sstories are so good! If you are just looking for a good book to read, this will be more than perfect for you! Best story I've read on wattage so far fell in love with characters I cried in this book and that says a lot because I usually don't cry This is one of the stories that seriously got me into Wattpad and Teen Fiction! The best book on Wattpad ever! Hey The Contenders 11 The Cellphone Swap by DoNotMicrowave I have read a TON of books on Wattpad, this being one of the first. This book still is one I recommend to everyone! From the many books that I have read, it still stands out and is by far one of my favorites. This book has the ability of pulling anyone into it. This was my first book on Wattpad and after 2 years it's still my favorite My first read on wattpad too, it was what got me hooked to the app. Stayed up reading it until 3am I loved this book cute, classy and tots not cliche 13 Mr. Popular and I Hilarious, romantic and drama all intertwined together! God, this book just killed me. I was so addicted to it and everyday I just waited to get my phone. Wish it never ended. Yea 88 million people read it, I really like it because it makes you feel like you are in the book. I was addicted to this book! It is my absolute favorite story that is on wattpad, and I still get so engrossed into it. I laugh with the characters, I yell at the characters, and I weep with the characters. I would love for it to be published into a physical copy so I can mark my favorite parts currently I've just written the chapters down on my wall. Not only does it have an original and interesting storyline, the author doesn't rush the characters' personalities. She doesn't make them go from hating a person to being in love with them in a chapter, she develops them into these wonderful things. I could go on and on and on and on about how much I love this, but I think that you should decide for yourself... Happy reading This is the best book I have ever read on wattpad! I don't think it should be so underrated. According to me it should be ranked 1st. And I will never get tired of saying that I'M IN LOVE WITH BLAKE! Their beautiful relationship is so realistic and heart breaking. To be honest I'm quite jealous of Lexi for getting a wonderful person like Blake in her life. I would die to get a sweet and caring and annoying guy like him. In all it is a MUST READ in everyone's library! I am seriously waiting for this to be published into a physical copy! I would pre-order within a heartbeat! An amazing amazing romance story that has all the feels. Tears guys, seriously, I don't wanna spoil it, but seriously I do NOT cry.. It makes you love and hate every character. Unexpected things happen and well as expected. Right now I just want to smack the main characters in the face because of the frustration they make me feel of the way they are acting. But I love the book. You should read it, and there is a sequel and the third one is currently being written. A romance that is very touching, hilarious and overall amazing. The first book is great, and there is also a sequel which is amazing and heart warming, lots of surprises. And there is also a third book. This story is highly reccomended! I'm a fan of this story. It is sweet, funny, n many unexplainable feelings toward this story n don't forget to read the sequel must hate the playboy :D Simply the TOP! I really want to read it and If anybody know a way for me to read it can u please tell me so I can read it One of the best stories I've read in wattpad. The author of this story is my favorite writer so far. All of her stories are really addicting. You'll surely love her stories and the characters. Each character has its own personality that you will surely love! Her stories will surely touch your heart. Try to read her stories and you will love it! One of the best stories in Wattpad. The writer is very good that you just won't be able to stop reading until you finish the series. You'll fall in love with the characters because they all have interesting personalities and you can surely relate to their experiences. The plot is very well written and I just can't get enough. I super love this story! I always get butterflies in my stomach whenever I read it! The bond between the two character is just too strong! And the writer has some skills, I must say! It's a great story. I love how the author brings so much life to this story. There's love, there's thrill, suspense... I finished reading it in only a day Its unpredictable in so many ways makes you want to know what's going to happen next, couldn't stop reading it until it was over, it's a must read Best part of this story is the female lead character who isn't a cliched nerdy nobody, tormented by the cheerleaders but a completely relatable normal but smart hot girl who you will totally fall in love with. Reece on the other hand can be described in one word- soulmate! It's an amazing story and it's been my favourite so far... AND I HAVE BEEN IN WATTPAD SINCE 2012! I really loved Valentino and Reece and I also really liked how it was not cliche and I would never change a thing about this story it had an amazing ending and I'm actually really sad it doesn't have a sequel... THIS BOOK STILL GIVES ME THE FEEELSS 21 Chasing Red I can tell I read more than 100 stories on wattpad. But this story is by far the best story I have ever read. Each character had their own uniqueness. This story had funny moments as well as heart aching moments. There are so many stories on wattpad but this one clearly stands out. This story should be at least within the top 5 of this list and it's one that I can only recommend to any reader, wattpad or not. Just got done reading this and I have to say this book is one of the best on Wattpad it sucks you in from the very first chapter and does not let you go until the very end! I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read even if you're not into romance and novels this book is about so much more than just a romance! You fall in love with all of the characters, humor, and back stories. It's one of the only books that has ever made me connect emotionally with its characters. I've read it 3 times and writing this made me want to read it all over again. This book, Trained to kill, and SOONER OR LATER YOU WONT RESIST ME top 3 books, not only on Wattpad but over all books. A great story about forbidden love.. In a more modern sense than Romeo and Juliet. Extremely well written for something published on Wattpad... The story was mature, exciting, and one heck of a ride! Like the author Sielalstreim, she never failed to show us that love moves in mysterious and dangerously way. This story is feel so uneasy school but they find her self who is real her. The love, the troubles and tragic is so exciting to read. I love reading this. I so love this story because it's not your typical cliche gangster story, the plot of the story was so great you would not want for the story to end. The author sure knows hot to play your emotions while reading it and the characters are amazing. This story was well thought by the author and I must say it is well made. Montello High is a beautiful story. I love this story so much 24 The Quirky Tale of April Hale The whole book was such a cutesy, face-palming, and awe-ing experience for me. I never really gave this book a chance at the time, but after a year of searching for novels around on Wattpad, I came across it again and finally gave it a go. It's different from the rest, so I guess that's why I easily fell in love with it as well as the characters; the characters are unbelievably relate-able in the most hilarious ways I read it three times and it never gets old. The book has amazing content and potential, as far as getting published I'd say. As for the title, it's very much relevant. The whole journey was beautifully written in the novel. I'm proud of the author and was very pumped to see the sequel out, but at the same time, disappointed to see that it was not updated in a year. To sum it up: if you love cutesy and humorous things, give this book a chance. And April's love for the classic Star Wars is what sold me on the story. I love April's smart unique personality and Ryder Black's bad boy demeanor. Quirky is the perfect word to describe it. You fall in love with the characters and their off the beaten track ways. It's a well written book! I really like this story because it doesn't show that everyone can have their happy ending.. I cried when Athena and Kenji met each other again and when she said I see you grow into a gangster to a man to a husband. So funny and a page turner. It's one of those books that once you start reading you can't put down. Awesome twists and unexpected surprises! One of the best books on wattpad! It's a really good novel, once you start reading it u won't be able to stop! One of the best books I've read so far... I loved reading it! Even if you don't think you'd like the story line, just read it for the characters, because that is one of the biggest reasons why I loved this book. This is by far my favourite book on Wattpad. I can't wait to read the next one! This is the best book I have ever read on wattpad it's not cliche and I love that, I thought it would be predictable and cliche but it's the opposite, It may sound cliche but it's the not, the characters are awesome and funny. I LOVE THIS BOOK! It's hard to think that the author wrote this in middle school. I really recommend this book! It has the potential of capturing the reader's attention straight away. Not only is the writer amazingly good at writing, but she also has a way of making the reader feel as if they were actually there and experiencing the story. It is one of the best stories that have read on Wattpad, and I will forever love it. I can go back and reread it a lot of times. The sequel for it's also amazing such a sweet story and amazingly well written and both are some of the best stories I have read on Wattpad. I don't even know what to say, this story is just SO sweet. When I saw how well known the book was I thought oh well I'll give it a try, but being honest I was pretty disappointed yes it was well written by it didn't capture my attention. It has a little dramatic but it could owns everyone's heart! Maxfield I bow down to the writer of this book, it's by far the most wonderful and amazing book. The quirky tale of a billionaire and a lower class girl with a troubled past is breathtaking, with many jaw drop twist and turns that you want to cry and smile at a same time. This and Strom and Silence are my most favorite books on wattpad. And Brandon is incredibly handsome, by the way. Give it a go and you would regret that you didn't read it before. This was the first book I ever read on wattpad. I've read 100+ books and yet this ones still my most favorite. Brandon is exactly the kind of guy every girl dreams of. Charlotte will steal your heart with her funny and confident ways. It's a must read for someone who loves romance novels. Yes, it's a bit long but every word you read is worth it. I don't think I can express how amazing this book is. I am usually really picky with books so I pay a lot of attention to how well written it is especially the pace and of course the characters. I tend to not fall in love with the female protagonists in books as they can come off sort of pathetic in a sense but I absolutely love Charlotte. I stumbled upon this book while looking for books under the category of arranged marriages, the moment I started reading this book, I fell in love with it 30 Storm and Silence It's perfectly written all and also has such an entrancing story line. The history is well researched and it allows you to dip into the past and experience a vivid array of emotions like anger, pain, desperation, love and many more. The main male character is absolutely alluring and the main female character goes against all social norms with her witty banter. An absolute gem, I feel privileged to have read this book and currently on the third one in the series. Strongly recommend, my favourite book on Wattpad and I've been on Wattpad for over three years! This story is everything you want in a book. Perfectly written to keep you on the edge of you seat, and wanting more. The characters are more than just words on a page. I strongly recommend you try this book no matter that genre you like, because this book has a bit if it all cleverly incorporated into a unique plot. This is the best story written ever. You can see how the people were in the old days were since the author did his research every single time before he wrote. The personalities of the characters were well built and as the story continues, you can see how the character's personality changes as time goes by and as the more experiences. The romance between the two leading characters was very well written, it never seems to be developing too fast and too slow, unlike some relationship in other stories which seems to be moving a bit too fast. There is also action in the story which makes the story ever more interesting. Addition to that are some plots about some commercial competition and feminism of that period of time in London. I'm sure everyone will LOVE the book and also the other books in the series. It's the best book I've read in wattpad ever. Trully my favorite of all time book! Each book just getting better and better! I loved this book so much that there are no words to describe it. Awesome is an understatement... Its reallly good but in the beginning u feel that they fall in love too fast like the love at first sight thingy but the story after that is sooo good... It was well written the plot was absolutely amazing and it had me wishing that the characters were real just so I could give them all a hug. This book deserves to be in the top 25 at least. I have read this book over ten times and it's like it's brand new every time. You fall in love with Park's quirkiness and her witty sense of humor. She is such a badass plus she's a princess. It's easily my favorite book on wattpad. I just finished this book and! THIS book is hilarious and has a lot of sarcasm and who doesn't love that? And not only that, this book has the best characters and friendship goals that u wish u had! I ' love it and I'm so happy that I want to send you some hugs and kisses from here.. It has so many twists and turns and sucks you in! You fall in love with the characters and you can almost feel their emotions and what they're going through! I would highly recommend this novel to anyone it is by far one of my favorite and best books on Wattpad! It's so sweet, and cute. It gets you rught in the feels 37 The Billion Dollar Girl Made me laugh, cry; there are so many great things about this story I cannot explain. This was the BEST story but not originally a Wattpad novel. The plagiarizer, Sofia, I believe, aka racingheart on Wattpad, stole the story from a blog and since then, the original writer have made the chapters private and racingheart has stopped updating because I'm assuming she had nothing else to plagiarize! Sofia has now deprived any readers from reading this amazing story. Creds to the original writer because you are a fantastic author. This book is really good, and regarding some comments on the author plagiarizing the story is completely wrong. Only recently the author has become active on, and said that she become inactive on wattpad due to where she was born - Asia - and most people are white on wattpad. So she felt the need to hide who she was, although this is certainly not the case! Eventually, she just stop writing. Because of this, some blogger took advantage of her absence, and claimed the book as her own. The book was taken down from wattpad before the author came back. The book however, is being rewritten by the author herself. This story really is something, especially for all the drama that went on to plagiarize the story. Such an amazing piece of work - from the storyline, characters, to how it was written! Very good storyline, action packed, hilarious and some romance sprinkled inside. Makeandoffer is the best! This is an awesome book to read. Full of adventure, action, humor, romance all in one story. Hilarious, heartwarming and everything in between! It is more like an actual novel. It deserves to be published. An amazing story with a very strong female lead. I've read this book so many times and I'm buying it as soon as it gets published. Literally the best Wattpad book ever! Had you on the edge of your seat the whole time, and made me cry for two weeks after the ending : Starzee is a very talented writer, and her other books are worth reading 40 The Bad Boy Stole My Bra Honestly, one of the most amazing and eye opening books I read. I am still shocked on the fact this book is in the top ten, let alone number one, and encourage and persuade people to read it. It shows the bond of Alec Ryder and Riley Greene, and inspires many. Oh god this book is absolutely awful! NONE of the characters are likeable, it's one of the most predicable stories I've read in my entire life, I hated the main character with a passion and honestly don't waste your time, I don't understand why this books is so loved, it's terrible, seems like it was written by a 13 year old One of my favourite books. Such an easy read that I've read it many times now! The characters have depth and keep you interested. One of the best books on wattpad 41 Heartless by Jonaxx One of the best book I've read. The writer is also one of the most broad minded writer in terms of the genre General Fiction and Romance The guy is hopelessly in love with the girl! One of my favorites. This story will make you feel so in love.. My number one favorite on wattpad ONLY A JSL FAN WILL UNDERSTAND... I wish the ELIZALDEs are True! This book will captures your soul like you literally wont be able to stop reading. I recommend it to everybody. Oh God it is so nice. I absolutely LOVE the protagonist. This book os really great but I think its already unavailable on wattpad It's the best book I have ever read 46 Talk Back And You're Dead It's cool. It also shows how valuable friendship is. And it just really touching, the way the main characters prove themselves to their parents, oh my... Just read it for you to know. The story is awesome. It would make you fall inlove, cry as well as laugh. The characters are great... Specially TOP AND RED I love this VERY BEAUTIFUL STORY 48 My Brother's Best Friend This book is possibly the best book I've read. It's in Emily's point of view and it tells us her story. Occasionally flashing back to two years before, during her battle with anorexia. Emmett is Emily's twin brother who now lives with his best friend. Parker and Emily hate eachother at the start but eventually grow on each other. This book is about Emily's and those around her struggles with perfection and Parkers struggles with guardianship of his little brother, Lee. If you like this book I recommend Jefferson Lake. Its told in Lee's perspective and can get very very deep. Prepare yourself for tears, laughter and everything in between One of my favourites! It really has some of the most thought about characters giving them personality and depth as you read. It focuses on the characters while developing a good plot. I would definitely recommend this! Also the sequel Jefferson Lakes is definitely with the read too! I am still reading it but I like it A good one this is... You'd feel very worthless. You'd always think he had finally paid her attention. I really cried in this story. I really felt conflicting emotions of this story! Its really great and JONAXX is a very talented author in Wattpad. It really has a nice plot. This does not deserve to have 0 %.
How to light a campfire
It's a beautiful journey through the ups and downs of the characters' lives. It's con my favorite book on wattpad. But I love the book. It's the best book I've read in wattpad ever. It connected me to a world that I had only imagined. I strongly recommend you try this book no matter that genre you like, because this book has a bit if it all between incorporated into a unique plot. God, this book just killed me. Its told in Lee's perspective and can get very very deep. My stomach twisted and I could see Aunt Kathy's livid face in front of me.
Phasellus lacinia porta ante, a mollis risus et. ac varius odio. Nunc at est massa. Integer nis gravida libero dui, eget cursus erat iaculis ut. Proin a nisi bibendum, bibendum purus id, ultrices nisi.